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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Friday, August 03, 2007

Friday 5: Pilgrimage

1. Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? (however you choose to define the term) Share a bit about it. If not, what's your reaction to the idea of pilgrimage?

In one sense, I suppose our recent vacation (Parts one, two, three and four) could be termed a sort of pilgrimage-- intentional "getting to know you" time, in this part of the country that was wholly new to us until last year. But I've never planned a pilgrimage specifically as such; and actually, I think I'd like to do that.
2. Share a place you've always wanted to visit on pilgrimage.

Two general directions occur to me, in no particular order; and I'd be thrilled with either.
  • I'd love to go to Great Britain (what else would one expect from a cradle Episcopalian!). Tour and worship in some cathedrals, perhaps visit Iona. . .
  • The Middle East. Retracing one of Paul's journeys would be an awesome experience.
3. What would you make sure to pack in your suitcase or backpack to make the pilgrimage more meaningful? Or does "stuff" just distract from the experience?

Bible and Prayer Book. Camera. Notebook and pen. This is "stuff" that goes with me everywhere, and I think would enhance the experience, rather than distract.

4. If you could make a pilgrimage with someone (living, dead or fictional) as your guide, who would it be? (I'm about thisclose to saying "Besides Jesus." Yes, we all know he was indispensable to those chaps heading to Emmaus, but it's too easy an answer)

I can think of a few good folks who would be great companions, sharing the journey. For a guide? It's easier to say what, than who. I'd like a guide that could also be a companion of sorts: someone who can share what they know gently; who could appreciate silly fun as well as faithful awe in our path; and who would be willing to balance rest with adventure.

5. Eventually the pilgrim must return home, but can you suggest any strategies for keeping that deep "mountaintop" perspective in the midst of everyday life?

In part, I think that's what the camera is for: to have the visual reminder of the experience. I also find that praying the Daily Office can bring me back, in a way, to other places and times where I've done so-- restoring, just for a moment, that gift and sense of perspective. Not all the time, of course; but once in a while...


Blogger Di said...

Isn't the Daily Office beautiful? I know a wise woman who taught that you have to get in the habit of it, because you'll find you need that routine comfort at some point, and it's a gift when it's there waiting for you.

August 03, 2007 9:00 AM  

Blogger Barbara B. said...

Yes, a camera would be great! Then you could always post pictures on your blog! :)

August 04, 2007 11:56 AM  

Blogger Barbara B. said...

oops... sorry to comment twice. I thought my comment didn't "take" the first time -- forgot about your comment moderation! :)

August 04, 2007 12:34 PM  

Blogger Jane Ellen+ said...

Mrs. M: Yes, it is; one of the gifts continued in our Prayer Book tradition, too often overlooked; and one for which I am grateful.

Barbara: not a problem. I just "denied permission" for the duplicate effort.

I would prefer not to use the moderation feature, and in fact I did not for a very long time. I've been blogging for going on five years, and only began moderating comments a few months ago. However, the level of angry, ugly, inappropriate dreck seems to have increased as time has gone on. It finally happened once too often, here; so, to insure that commenters play nicely in my sandbox, the cyber-playground monitor remains on duty.

The good news is, I haven't had to delete but one nasty comment since I enabled that feature. Knowing that it won't get through apparently has been a deterrent. Insert doxology here!

August 04, 2007 2:21 PM  

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