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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Soccer season

Last week was the official start of the spring soccer season; but we were busy last weekend, so today was the boy's first game this spring. Weatherwise, we would have been better off last Saturday-- this morning the order of the day was temps in the 30's, gusting winds and snow flurries. I joined the decidedly small group of parents on the sidelines, huddled in winter coats and blankets, and spent an hour or so turning into a Momcicle while my young defender ran up and down the field.

The good news is, this was a great excuse for coming home and making hot chocolate-- from scratch, with cocoa, sugar and milk, as that is how the boy prefers it. Almost made the numbness in my fingers and toes worth it.


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