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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Home again. . . naturally

The weather sucked: three days of record rainfall, and high winds, and clouds thick enough that I couldn't see the mountains only 20 miles away.

Inside however, was warm-- in prayer, and in Benedictine hospitality-- which provided a gentle place for my soul to dwell for a time. We prayed the hours together, according to the sisters' Rule: Vigil at 5:25 AM, Lauds at 8:00 AM, Vespers at 5:30 PM. (all you night people out there now cringing in horror, please relax-- this is an optional part of the tour). And I joined them for lunch, and for dinner.

Other than that, I was on my own. Solo. A very unusual feeling for priest, wife, and mother. What did I do with the time? Well, let's see... there were a couple of short walks, between rain showers; some devotional reading and additional meditation/prayer time; the guitar saw some use... but those were simply the framework. Generally, what I did was listen, in the stillness.

So, now I have all the answers, right? Oh, please-- you know better than that. But I believe that I'm better equipped in the doing, to improve on the questions... and to begin again, in Jesus' name.

God is good.


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