Religious Wars and Reconciliation
They have been receptive to the idea, even if there is some inherent conflict among the crew. Significant conflict, actually-- over deeply held beliefs and time-honored traditions. Enough that it sometimes erupts into snide comments and even the occasional muttered insult (delivered with a smile, of course).
What? Here?? In the church??? Yes, my friends, it's true. There seem to be irreconcilable differences among these godly people.
You see, some are avid (rabid?) knitters. . . while others are zealous (obsessive?) crocheters. This seems to be one of those situations where one is necessarily a (*ahem*) dyed-in-the-wool loyalist, and ne'er the twain shall meet.
And yet, even amid the internecine strife, it seems we can find common ground among the yarn, and the desire to share God's fibrous gifts with one another as Christian disciples.
Anyone out there taking notes?
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