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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Leave of absence

(The following is a duplication of a post I put up on the Reconciler blog this morning.)

Sometimes things get busy, in the life of a seminarian; right now, that's the case with me.

I am currently involved in a quarter of field education-- an internship of sorts, designed to give us a taste of what is involved in the day-to-day running of the parish, and to allow us the opportuniity to pick the brains of willing and experienced priests, as we begin to shape how our ministries will be lived out. I am blessed to be working with two parishes over in my home diocese of Northern Indiana, serving each part-time. It's a wonderful experience, but it keeps me hopping.

Add to that my work with our little congregation here, and a class I'm taking as the last academic requirement for graduation, and the joyful demands of husband and family, and I'm finding that the press of responsibilities is more than I can manage. Something needs to give; and blessedly, Tripp and Larry have encouraged me to make the space I need by taking a leave from my responsibilities with Reconciler for the next couple of months.

We will stay in touch via phone and email (and the blog, of course!); but unless unforeseen circumstances arise, I will not be making the drive north for worship or other church activities.

Please know that I will continue to hold our faithful community in my prayers, both in thanksgiving and intercession, and that I am looking forward to returning to a more active role in our life together, toward the end of March.

God's grace and peace be with all of you!


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