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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Bible study

Today was my first official internship solo: I went down to Rensselaer to lead a Bible study this evening. No, that's not exactly right; it would be more accurate to say that I was graciously welcomed to join in. This little group has had folks come and go, over time; but the nucleus has been meeting weekly since 1991. Yes, you heard me-- Episcopalians who read scripture! In fact, one woman officially wins the award for the most beat up, well-used Bible I have ever seen (yes, Tripp, it's in even worse shape than yours). They know their stuff, and I learned that I'd best come prepared, if I want to keep up.

Today they made it easy on me. They are currently doing lectionary-based study, looking at the readings for the following Sunday; and this week's Gospel is one of my favorites. So we had a grand time.

But I'm already looking over next week's readings, so I can be ready for them. What fun!


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