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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Friday, January 06, 2006

Take a Memo

To: Entertainment Media Reporters
From: The Ecclesial Grammar Police and the Pet Peeve Soapbox Commission
Re: "The Book of Daniel," et. al.

If one is covering representations (or perhaps misrepresentations; I have not seen the show yet) of a particular group or denomination, one ought at the very least to make the effort to be grammatically correct.

For the record: "Episcopalian" is a noun. "Episcopal" is an adjective. Please take note the of the correct usage in the following paragraph:

Aidan Quinn is not an Episcopal priest, although he is playing one on TV. I have been questioned about this by a few concerned Episcopalians, and I am not enthusiastic about the advance publicity I have seen and heard (although the venom being spewed against it by the American Family Association perversely makes me wonder if there isn't some virtue in there somewhere). I am taping the show to watch later, as the Episcopalians attending the Episcopal church where I actually serve as an Episcopal priest will undoubtedly ask me about it on Sunday.

Thank you for your attention.


Blogger Beth said...

ooh! ooh! How do I join this commission?

January 06, 2006 10:35 PM  

Blogger Emily said...

I think you'll have a few more memos you feel like writing after you watch it, unless you have a housekeeper who prepares "Sunday dinner" for you and your family in a multimillion dollar house, after which you go negotiate with the local RC priest and his Mafia connections.

January 07, 2006 7:13 AM  

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