Still, like anywhere else, we tend to spend more time, and be more attentive to those with whom we have something in common. In my case, that means (among other things) that I've found myself with some "RevGalBlogPals"-- women in various stages of their lives who are living out a call to ordained ministry. We are all (so far as I know) Christian, though we come from a variety of denominational backgrounds; some are married, some single; some have children (ranging from knee-high to nearly grown) while others exercise their "mom genes" outside their immediate household. And I've had great fun laughing and crying and learning with these sisters under the skin, though I've never laid eyes on any of them.

Do you suppose this qualifies as... Holy Spirit Wear? Okay, maybe not...
It has been the greatest unexpected joy of blogging to connect with other revs. When I started about 18 months ago I felt like I was throwing a message in a bottle and tossing it into a huge ocean. Now I see lots of lovely bottles bobbing around, catching the light in all kinds of beautiful ways.
I'm very new to the RGBP ( acronym!) -- I can't tell you how life-giving it is to hear the voices of so many women (and the occasional guy too) in ministry.
I ordered a t-shirt today too!
Welcome, to both of you! And thanks for stopping by!
(It was a t-shirt and a mug, for me. I'm an inevitable sucker for mugs)
What a hoot! I got a chuckle out of the thong.
Gee, can guys join too? We are BlogPals of RevGals, after all. :)
Wes: Yes, certainly. As the descriptor for the newly formed webring (links also in my sidebar) notes:
"Open to all bloggers but especially clergywomen who would consider themselves RevGals and their Blogging Pals. We represent a diverse group of people -- women ministers, with or without children, discerning women and other clergypersons -- and friends."
Thats the best thing ever!! I joined up, and I totally want the tshirt. Um, I dunno how to make it show up on my sidebar... maybe when i see you next online you'd give me a hand? Gracias!
I'm a mug/tank gal myself. And I'm so happy to have found this little community!
I'm a revgalpal who is a pal rather than a rev, but I have to say that before I discovered the preaching women blogs, I didn't know any women in ministry. I come from a conservative Catholic community. I can't tell you how wonderful it has been to be get to know these cool women who are spiritual leaders.
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