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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Last Call

Yep, this is it. My final on call shift here at the hospital. It's not starting out easy: I've had two pages, so far, that have taken up most of my time since I got here at 8:30 this morning. That hope of a day without tears this week? I give up. If God wants me walking around dripping, I guess that's what I do.

But you know, this is the part of the work that I'll miss the most. I like my CPE group, but I'd be just as happy to meet for dinner and a movie, elsewhere. And verbatims? Ugh. You can have 'em.

But the patients... and the doctors, and nurses, and guards, and social workers, and plant maintenance, and the cleaning crew. I have had some amazing, holy encounters in this place. I have prayed, and been prayed for. At times I have spoken the Word that is laid upon my heart, and other times I have stepped back and let God speak in the silence. I have laughed until I was out of breath, and cried myself hoarse, and been stretched so thin that I didn't feel as though there was anything left.

And that's the point, isn't it?


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