Busy, busy, busy
*Tuesday: Drove west to Rev. Ref & LW's house, where I spent the night (The Kid graciously allowed me use of the second twin bed in her room).
We could also look down and see the finishing touches being put on the labyrinth in the courtyard between the old and new buildings. It's lovely.
Thursday: More Conference. The speakers were good-- preachers who know their stuff, and were happy to share. Sometimes the presentations got a bit academic for my taste-- you will no doubt be shocked to learn I lean more heavily to the practical than the theoretical-- but overall, I found it quite useful. I brought home more than one set of notes that I'll be chewing on for some time.
Friday: The conference finished up just before lunch, and we headed out-- but not before going over to take one last look at the cathedral (and in my case, a few more pictures).
There were Tiffany windows...
... and the altar book used by Bishop Tuttle (the missionary bishop for Montana, as well as the first Bishop of Utah)...
... and the primatial crozier (or staff? is it a crozier if it's not a shepherd's crook?) used by the Presiding Bishop, who was just arriving for a conference as we were leaving.
We did see Bishop Katharine, very briefly; but she was just coming in with her suitcase, and had that glazed, "too many hours traveling" look, so we merely said hello and kept moving.
Then we hightailed it back to MT, to be home for The Kid's performance in her high school play. They put on "Our Town," did a very respectable job, and appeared to have fun doing it (LW and I both took pictures, and if she and or Ref post them I'll link to it). Then she let me use her spare bed one more time, bless her (a hostess gift in the form of some Nutella seemed to be a welcome thank-you-- she adores the stuff).
Saturday: Again up early, to head for Helena for a diocesan seminar on financial stewardship (planned giving, captial campaigns, annual stewardship) led by representatives from the Episcopal Church Foundation. I had two parishioners also attending, from one of my churches; so we each went to one segment of the day. We'll compare notes later in the week, to separate the wheat from the chaff. The seminar actually finished a bit early, as Weather was rolling in and some of us had a ways to drive.
But now I'm home, and unpacked. And this is where the introvert kicks in-- it'll take me days to sort through and process the whirlwind of learning and information and general stuff that I've stored on the surface of my mind this last week. Right now all I can think of is that I am So. Ready. For. Bed.
But it has been an awfully good whirlwind.
Katherine our Presiding was coming in from North Carolina, I suspect, where she was hanging out with the Federal Chaplains. I don't know how she manages that schedule!
So, did you happen to glimpse Hill AFB on your way down there?
Hope it was a good week!
We did see the aviation museum on our way out of town on Friday-- and noticed two fighters of unknown designation (that's your department, not mine) coming in over the expressway ahead of us. One of the many things I'd like to go back and visit one of these days when there's more time.
Straight tails or angled? :-)
Perhaps if you knew someone stationed there.
They were black and pointy. I do not remember tail design.
Just curious... with such a busy schedule, have you been getting that "hour" in that Mrs. Ref. said she was going to slap us around about if we didn't? Last Monday at 10:00 sharp I received my first call and had to chastised for my lack of obedience to she who must be obeyed in these matters.
Mea culpa, Fr. John.
The nature of the SLC conference helped a bit-- prayer and devotional time was incorporated-- but "The Hour" was skimpy, otherwise.
As I was at their house twice, SWMBO had ample opportunity to remind me in person that needs to be better. Oops.
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