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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thanks... I think.

With four parishes to serve, I'm not able to be at every altar, every Sunday. So we take turns on a rotation. Each week I celebrate Holy Eucharist at two churches, while licensed Lay Readers in the other two congregations read Morning Prayer.

It has apparently been the habit of the Morning Prayer officiants to read a prewritten sermon, taken from a couple of approved sources, as part of the service. The favorite seems to be a collection of sermons provided on our national church's website.

With the coming of The New Priest, however, a couple of the Lay Readers had asked if I could provide them with copies of my sermons in advance. I told them that I'm not accustomed anymore to writing out my sermons, (and even if I write my ideas out, I don't read them verbatim); but I eventually agreed to try to provide them with something coherent. (This was the first effort in that regard.)

So, I was chatting today with another one of these intrepid souls, who likes the idea. "I'm tired of Sermons That Work," he declared. "I'm just as happy to use yours."

Okay, then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because the lay readers have one of your sermons in full script to read does not mean that you have to follow the same script when you preach.

Seems to be a need to train some lay preachers and raise up some Deacons.

August 04, 2006 4:16 AM  

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