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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

We already have a Covenant, remember?

Yes, the discussions have been going on here at Seabury, in class and out. And as I listened to some of them, I felt the anger, and the hurt, that have been coloring the Communion surfacing here as well. At points coming out... well, less than appropriately. One of my classmates and I had a short chat about this last evening, and today Leigh posted the meat of our conversation on the school's Moodle site:
• "Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?"
• "Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?"
• "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?"

As we continue to process our reactions to the Windsor Report, how do we remain faithful to the affirmations we make in response to these questions when renewing our Baptismal Covenant?

How do we know when healthy, cathartic venting moves into behavior that is unhealthy, unproductive, and maybe even destructive?

How do we guard against falling into behavior and thinking that is characteristic of the colonial arrogance of the past?

We do not have the corner on truth. We are struggling, as our Anglican brothers and sisters throughout the Communion are struggling.

Our desire to effect change and free people from the pain they experience, however right we may feel it to be, has manifested itself in ways that have been hurtful to others.

How, therefore, do we continue to move forward, effecting change that acknowledges and affirms the value of ALL baptized Christians, while respecting the dignity of those who disagree?

How do we do all of this in a manner consistent with the Gospel message?

My hope and my prayer is that as we move forward, we will continue the conversation not only with those whom which we agree, but also with those of differing minds, and that we will allow ourselves to be led with a spirit of patience, humility, and trust in God.

All I can say is, Amen, sister.


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