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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Monday, July 26, 2004

And now, a word from our sponsor...

I got an email this morning from my bishop. That would be the Rt. Rev. Edward S. Little II, Seventh Bishop of the Diocese of Northern Indiana, shown at left in full ecclesial regalia. A very formal title and image, for a very informal sort of man.

Among other things, Ed mentioned that he had noticed my earlier posting about Hoosier time zone issues when he was reading my blog last night. (Yes, he stops by occasionally. Mind your manners, and play nice.)

His answer to our Indiana time zone variations? He asked his wife to buy him a watch with two dials, so that during "the dreaded five months" (November through March, when there are time differences in our diocese) he can always know what time it is at the various parishes and missions under his care.

Keep in mind that this is a guy who specifically requests that our Ember Day letters arrive via email (he answers them the same way, usually within the week), and never leaves home without his Palm Pilot.

I should have known that my technogeek bishop would have a solution that included a clever gadget.


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