Quiz du jour
This one's from Ryan.
You are Marcie!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jane Ellen+ at
9:07 PM
Thoughts, observations, and the occasional sermon from a transplanted Episcopal priest, wife and mother.
Ado in Mississippi
AKMA's Random Thoughts
And Also With Raisin
Bruce's Idle Wanderings
Costly Grace with the Archer
Fr. Jake Stops the World
Fr. John and Thomas a Kempis
Gord, Following Frodo
Heather's Rambling
In a Godward Direction
Inner Dorothy
Jeff's Sacristy
Jo(e)'s Page
Justin's Wanderings
Kathryn, Good in Parts
The Kitchen Door
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Life with Cliff
The Lovely Wife
Mark's Family Letter
MaryBeth at Terrapin Station
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Padre Mickey's Dance Party
Preacher Mom
Quotidian Grace
Rambling Rector
Raw Edges
Rebel Without a Pew
Rev. Dr. Mom
Reverend Mommy
Reverend Mother
The Reverend Mother, Jennifer
Reverend Ref+ Todd
St. Casserole
Singing Sophia
Stone of Witness
Telling Secrets
Trevor's Limature
Tripp's Conjectures
Volume II for kzj
Wes' Dawg Days
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Diocese of Spokane
All Saints' Episcopal Church
(my congregation)
Diocese of Northern Indiana
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Purdue University
(alma mater I)
Seabury-Western Seminary
(alma mater II)
Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler
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St. Philip's, Jackson, MS
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Diocese of Wenchoster
Holy Observer
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Ship of Fools
There, I Fixed It/a>
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