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Hoosier Musings on the Road to Emmaus

Saturday, December 02, 2006

". . . and make him a priest in your church."

Today, the Rev. Micah Jackson (along with a goodly number of others) was ordained to the sacred order of presbyters in Christ's one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.

I was not able to be present at Grace Cathedral this day. However, through the wonder of cyberspace, I was able to listen-- to song and scripture, prayer and proclamation, questions and answers, and the laying on of hands. I smiled as I heard Micah's voice making the required declaration:
I solemnly declare that I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church.

And then, give firm answers to the examination that followed. By the grace of God, no one takes his vows any more to heart, or commits to them with any more joyous faithfulness, than does this my friend and brother. Praise Jesus!
May he exalt you, O Lord, in the midst of your people; offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you; boldly proclaim the gospel of salvation; and rightly administer the sacraments of the New Covenant. Make him a faithful pastor, patient teacher, and wise councilor. Grant that in all things he may serve without reproach, so that your people may be strengthened and your Name glorified in all the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jane. It was a great day. Pictures over at my blog soon.

December 02, 2006 5:20 PM  

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